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Setup Huawei Smartloggger 3000 and FusionSolar Portal

Before your Start

Generic Info
  • The Logger can we connected via LAN cable and Laptop or by using FusionSolar App and WLAN Hotspot
Connect via FusionSolar App
  • The WLAN Hotspot SSID is Logger_SN and the initial password is Changeme.
  • The initial passwords of installer and user are both 00000a for the FusionSolar app
Direct Connect via CAT Cable and Laptop
  • Always use https as protocol prefix
  • Note: Whenever you change the Logger IP Adress you need to change the IP-Address and Gateway Address of your direct connected Device [Laptop ] too
  • Initial Access to internal Enspire WebServer:
    • URL
    • User: admin
    • Password: Changeme
  • To run in a Fritzbox Guest Network IP will be changed to:

Initial Login to Smartlogger 3000 using Web-GUI and Setup Wired Network

Connect your Laptop to the Smrtlogger WAN Port
Local Connect via Lan CableRemote Easthawk-Ranch
Fritzbox Connect
Webserver URL
Initial Password:ChangemeChangeme
Setup IP Laptop to : Connect your Laptop to the WAN Port

Router/Gateway IP
Validate router IP/Gateway IP: The Fritzbox router is runnung on

Wired Communiction Network Parameters
IP Adress
Subnet Mask155.255.255.0
Default Gateway192.168.178.1
Primary DNS Server8.8.8.8
Secondary DNS Server8.8.8.8
Setup Wired Network Validate Management System Connection Parameters

Expected LED Status for RUN indicator after Networking setup
  • After connecting your SmartLogger to the Management system RUN LED should blinking slowly – on for 1 s and then off for 1s
  • This indicates the communication between the SmartLogger and the management system is normal.
Login to Smartlogger WEBGUI after connection the Smart-Logger to the Internet
Webserver URL
New Password:xxxxx
Ignore HTTPS Warning Follow LinkLogin using New Password

Validate Management System Connection Status
NMS connection status should be : connected

Active Power Control / Power Reduction [Wirkleistungs-Reduzierung]
  • Einstellungen-> Leistungsanpassung-> Wirkleistungreduzierung
  • Einstellungen anlog den Einstellungen am Smartlogger 1000
Review Smartlogger 3000 Error Log Entries
  • Query -> Alarm History -> Change Start/End Timer -> Press Query Buttom ( below Start time )
Power Reduction Setup


Abschalten der Anlage auf 0% Wirkleistung

  • Abschalttest am 22.10.2022 durch Drahtbrücke am Kontakt DI4
  • Wiedereinschalten Anlage 22.10.2022 10.40 Uhr

Create FusionSolar Installer Account

FusionSolar URL https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com
Initial Login PageCreate an Installer Account

Add a new Plant

FusionSolar URL https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com
Provide New Plant DetailsAdd Smartlogger 3000 SNMonitor System

Note: WR Huwawei 60KTL not yet installed

Show Alarms in Fusion Solar Portal

  • Maintainance -> Alarmmanagement -> Historical Alarms -> Filter ->
  • Increase Latest to 30 days or more to be sure we can detect some alarms
  • Typ Yes to Confirm Changes

Show Alarms

Fritz Repeater 1200 Setup

  • If needed Run a factory reset for Fritz Repeater 1200 by pressing the RED Button about 10-15 seconds
  • After factory Reset the Repeater will open a WLAN Hotspot named: Fritz!Repeater 120
  • Connect to this WLAN Hotspot to configure the Repeater
Check your WLAN ConnectionConnect to the Fritz!Repeater 1200 WLAN
Start Browser Create a WLAN Bridge
URL http://fritz.repeater

Note: Repeater Setup is started automatically

Select your FritzBox Provide the correct FritzBox SSID
Finally activate the Repeater



Published inTechnik ( Logger, .. )

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